We can learn about elections and democracy at every stage of our lives. The more we know and can share with our peers, the more our democracy becomes inclusive and accessible. This is especially true for communities that face higher barriers to the electoral process, including:
The Inspire Democracy program of Elections Canada is made for those who are eligible to vote but who may find it harder to participate in a federal election. Inspire Democracy has toolkits to guide people through their election journey.
- One of the barriers to becoming a candidate in a federal election is having the right information. To help with becoming a candidate, we’ve created a toolkit, Running in a Federal Election. It has all the resources you, or someone in your community, will need at each stage of the process.
- Thinking of working at the next federal election but not sure if it’s right for you? Check out our toolkit on Working at a Federal Election. It outlines how you can keep Canada’s democracy strong by helping manage an election.
- If you or your community wants more information about how to vote in a federal election, our Registering and Voting toolkit is for you! We walk you through the steps and explain the many ways to register and vote.
Inspire Democracy also works with organizations across Canada to make sure that communities are informed about how to participate in a federal election. Connect with us to learn more!