Slide deck for teachers - Which Election?

1 Which Election?
2Inquiry Questions

What kinds of elections do we have in Canada?

How can I engage in the process?

3Minds On

Think about a time when you had to work together in a group whether at school, at home, or in your community.

  • Did you have to divide up the tasks among different people?
  • How did you decide who did what?
4Minds On

How do you think the task of governing Canada is divided?

  • federal
  • provincial/territorial
  • municipal/local
5Minds On

Watch the video, Three Levels of Government.

What responsibilities do you observe in the video?

6Minds On

What responsibilities did you observe in the video?

Discuss with a partner then share your observations with the class.

7ActivityWatch the video, Three Levels of Elections.

Three Levels of Elections

Turn and talk with a partner.

  • Share something you have learned.
  • What questions do you have?

Your task:

Complete the activities at three learning stations as a group and use the Station Reflections Handout to reflect individually.

You will need:

  • the Station Reflections Handout
  • a pen or pencil
10ActivityStation 1 – Can you vote if…?
11ActivityStation 2 – Which level of government?
12ActivityStation 3 – Where am I?
13ActivityFirst Rotation – 10 Minutes
14ActivitySecond Rotation – 10 Minutes
15ActivityThird Rotation – 10 Minutes

Complete the Station Reflections Handout.

Which of your reflections was the most helpful in answering the inquiry questions?

  • What kinds of elections do we have in Canada?
  • How can I engage in the process?

Share your thoughts with a partner or small group. Write down your final reflections.