Station 1 – Can You Vote If …?

Station instructions:

  1. Complete the following chart together as a group. Find as many answers as you can in the time given.
  2. Use your Internet search skills to find the answers as if you were a real voter with that question.
  3. Make sure that you are at the right election agency to find the answer.

Student activity sheet

Complete as many squares as you can!

Who runs my elections? Write in the names and websites of your election agencies so that you can check if you are on the right page:

Federal ElectionsProvincial or Territorial ElectionsMunicipal or Local Elections

Name: Elections Canada






SituationFederal ElectionsProvincial or Territorial ElectionsMunicipal or Local Elections
Your grandparent is in a wheelchair. Is their polling place accessible?   
Your family just moved to this community two months ago. Can your parents vote?   
Happy birthday! You are now 16 years old. Can you register to vote?   
Your dad forgot his wallet at home, but he does have a prescription bottle with his name and address on it. Can he use that as identification to vote?   
Your mom wants to work in the election. Can she still vote?   
Your family will be away on Election Day. Can your parents still vote?