Station 3 – Where Am I?

Station instructions:

  1. Examine the maps provided by your teacher:
    • Our federal electoral districts in our province/territory
    • Our provincial/territorial electoral districts
    • Our municipal/local electoral districts
  2. Describe how the electoral districts are similar and different.
  3. Complete the organizer on the Station 3 Activity Sheet.

Student activity sheet

  1. Examine the maps to be sure that you understand where your school is located.
    • How are your electoral districts similar and different? Write down at least three observations about their similarities and differences.
  2. Complete the organizer as a group using the maps and the Internet.
 FederalProvincial or territorialMunicipal or local
The name of our school’s electoral district   
The title of the elected official who represents our school’s area   
The name of the elected official who represents our school’s area   
How we can contact our elected officials about a topic that is important to us