Campaign Songs - Video Transcript

Visual: The screen fades from black to show the title page. It includes the title, “Choosing our Mascot” and subtitle, “A voting activity for early learners” in orange font. The words “Campaign songs” appear below in black, as well as the Elections Canada logo. The background is white, and features an illustrated image of an inukshuk against a purple sky. The screen fades to black.

Charlie’s song

Visual: A close-up of a graphic illustration of a raven appears on the screen. The raven is black and placed in a circular icon against a grey background. Behind the icon is a yellow background. The icon rapidly shrinks and expands twice, then slides towards the upper right corner of the screen, where it stays for the rest of the song. A white rectangle appears in the middle of the screen, spanning the screen from left to right. In that rectangle, the lyrics of the song appear, one line at a time, as the song progresses. As the words are sung, they change from black letters to pink ones.


Charlie the Raven is a mischievous fellow

Who likes popcorn and hot dogs and Jell-O.

His idea of a bash

Is to clean up the trash,

And then he'll eat till he’s drowsy

And mellow.

Walk like Charlie, talk like Charlie.

Walk like Charlie, talk like Charlie.

Charlie is a daring young flyer

Who circles up higher and higher;

He swoops away, away down

Just to hop around on the ground,

And take off even higher.

Walk like Charlie, talk like Charlie.

Walk like Charlie, talk like Charlie.

Visual: The lyrics box and the icon fade out, and another large icon of Charlie the Raven appears. This icon shows Charlie’s face and his name, both in English and Inuktitut. The icon slowly shrinks and fades away. Yellow, white and teal lines swipe across the screen.

Desneiges’ song

Visual: A close-up of a graphic illustration of a polar bear appears on the screen. The polar bear is white and placed in a circular icon against a grey background. Behind the icon is a teal background. The icon rapidly shrinks and expands twice, then slides towards the upper right corner of the screen, where it stays for the rest of the song. A white rectangle appears in the middle of the screen, spanning the screen from left to right. In that rectangle, the lyrics of the song appear, one line at a time, as the song progresses. As the words are sung, they change from black letters to pink ones.


Desneiges the Polar Bear

Steps outside of her cozy lair.

Simply rambles off

Wanders everywhere.

First she stands,

Then she roars,

Then she dances on all fours.

Crouch and growl,

Stand and roar,

Stick your claws out,

Swim to shore.

Desneiges the Polar Bear

Is a real good mother.

She takes care

of her little cubs,

Her baby bears.

Takes them everywhere,

Feeds them fish,

Gives them seal,

Shows them how

To catch a meal.

Crouch and growl,

Stand and roar,

Stick your claws out,

Swim to shore.

Visual: The lyrics box and the icon fade out, and another large icon of Desneiges the Polar Bear appears. This icon shows Desneiges’s face and her name, both in English and Inuktitut. The icon slowly shrinks and fades away. Teal, white and light blue lines swipe across the screen.

Max’s song

Visual: A close-up of a graphic illustration of a walrus appears on the screen. The walrus is brown and placed in a circular icon against a grey background. Behind the icon is a light blue background. The icon rapidly shrinks and expands twice, then slides towards the upper right corner of the screen, where it stays for the rest of the song. A white rectangle appears in the middle of the screen, spanning the screen from left to right. In that rectangle, the lyrics of the song appear, one line at a time, as the song progresses. As the words are sung, they change from black letters to pink ones.


Max the Walrus, Max the Walrus,

We think you’re a winner,

Looking on the ocean floor

For something for your dinner.

Float on the water, lie on a rock,

Walk your rolling walrus walk.

Your flippers make a flap, flap, flap;

After you work you nap.

Max the Walrus, Max the Walrus,

When your work is done,

Lie upon a floe of ice

Basking in the sun.

Float on the water, lie on a rock,

Walk your rolling walrus walk.

Your flippers make a flap, flap, flap;

After you work you nap.

Visual: The lyrics box and the icon fade out, and another large icon of Max the Walrus appears. This icon shows Max’s face and his name, both in English and Inuktitut. The icon slowly shrinks and fades away. Light blue, white and pink lines swipe across the screen.

Neevee’s song

Visual: A close-up of a graphic illustration of a caribou appears on the screen. The caribou is brown and placed in a circular icon against a grey background. Behind the icon is a pink background. The icon rapidly shrinks and expands twice, then slides towards the upper right corner of the screen, where it stays for the rest of the song. A white rectangle appears in the middle of the screen, spanning the screen from left to right. In that rectangle, the lyrics of the song appear, one line at a time, as the song progresses. As the words are sung, they change from black letters to pink ones.


Let’s do the Caribou boogie.

Neevee walks swiftly

Over rocks and snow,

Swimming streams,

Facing foes,

Eating grass and lichens,

Always on the go.

Clickety-clack, shake your rack,

Walk to the Arctic,

Then come back.

Caribou boogie, Caribou boogie.

Neevee helps people

In the North survive:

Gives them warm clothes

And meat to keep them alive,

Gives them lots of tools.

With her help they thrive.

Clickety-clack, shake your rack,

Walk to the Arctic,

Then come back

Caribou boogie, Caribou boogie.

Visual: The lyrics box and the icon fade out, and a new large icon of Neevee the Caribou appears. This icon shows Neevee’s face and her name, both in English and Inuktitut. The icon slowly shrinks and fades away. Pink, white and purple lines swipe across the screen.

Sam’s song

Visual: A close-up of a graphic illustration of a wolf appears on the screen. The wolf is grey and placed in a circular icon against a light grey background. Behind the icon is a purple background. The icon rapidly shrinks and expands twice, then slides towards the upper right corner of the screen, where it stays for the rest of the song. A white rectangle appears in the middle of the screen, spanning the screen from left to right. In that rectangle, the lyrics of the song appear, one line at a time, as the song progresses. As the words are sung, they change from black letters to pink ones.


Everybody go aroooooo . . .

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

He’s Sam the howler,

A grey wolf prowler,

Hunting so quietly.

He has endurance

And a lot of power.

He was born wild and free.

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

When the pack appears

At the edge of the woods

Under a starry sky,

Look how handsome Sam is

With his warm fur coat,

His piercing eyes,

His shiny teeth,

His inquisitive nose,

His attentive ears.

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

He’s Sam the howler,

A grey wolf prowler,

Hunting so quietly.

He has endurance

And a lot of power.

He was born wild and free.

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

Everybody go aroooooo . . .

Visual: The lyrics box and the icon fade out, and a new large icon of Sam the Wolf appears. This icon shows Sam’s face and his name, both in English and Inuktitut. The icon slowly shrinks and fades away. Light blue and white lines swipe across the screen, leaving a white background.


Visual: Icons of the five characters, Charlie the Raven, Desneiges the Polar Bear, Max the Walrus, Sam the Wolf and Neevee the Caribou appear. Each character is displayed in a circle with their respective background color. Their names appear in English and Inuktitut on their icon, and in the middle of the screen, the question “Which mascot will you choose?” is displayed in white letters against a grey background.

Visual: The icons and question disappear, and the Elections Canada logo appears in the center of the screen. Underneath the logo, the sentence “This video has been developed by Elections Canada as part of an educational resource for elementary students.” appears in black letters.

Visual: The logo and sentence disappear. The website “www.” appears in burgundy letters, as well the phones numbers “1-800-463-6868” and “1-800-361-8935 (TTY)” in black letters.