Round 2 Scenario Cards

Bridge scenario

Card AScenario
Tweet: Venezuela's national guard has blocked the Tienditas international bridge to prevent aid shipments coming in from Colombia. pic by @edisonpower looks like something from a Zombie movie. Image shows three tractor trailers and barricades across the bridge with no traffic.
You see a tweet claiming that the Venezuelan government has blockaded a bridge that would have been used to ship food aid into the country. You want to know more.
Card B

Strategy: Find the original

TinEye website search results. 129 results for the image from Card A tweet.
Doing a reverse-image search shows you that the photo has appeared in many news media, including The New York Times, the CBC and CNN. It was taken by a photographer who works for the AFP news agency.
Card C

Strategy: Check other information

Google search results for “Venezuela bridge blockade.”  Five links to news stories appear in the search results.
You do a search for “Venezuela bridge blockade” and find that many news media are covering this story, including ones that you know are reliable.
Card D

Strategy: Read fact-checking articles

CBC news story. Headline: How a bridge between Colombia and Venezuela became part of a propaganda fight. Image is the same as that in Card A.
When you search for “bridge Colombia Venezuela hoax,” you find a CBC story that says the photo is real. The Venezuelan government did block the bridge, but the bridge has never been open.
Card EAnswer 

Everything in this story is true, but reading different stories and looking for fact-checking tools can show you that some key details were left out.

The Venezuelan government did add extra barriers, and has blocked delivery of some food aid, but the bridge in this photo was never open.

Delay scenario

Card AScenario
Tweet: Ontario election voting hours extended in nine ridings after complaints about tech glitches, delays.
You see a tweet that says voting hours will be extended in today’s election. It would be great if you were able to vote a bit later, but if it isn’t true, you might not be able to vote at all!
Card BStrategy: Find the original
National Post headline: Ontario election voting hours extended in nine ridings after complaints about tech glitches, delays
Following the link leads to a story in the National Post. A search on the Post website shows you that the link leads to its real web address.
Card CStrategy: Verify the source
Twitter profile image, 1.21 million tweets, following 4, followers 582
You decide to look into the Twitter account. The user has tweeted a lot, but has no profile picture, has very few followers and follows almost nobody. These are all signs it might be an automated “bot” account.
Card DStrategy: Turn to places you trust
Elections Ontario News Release - Title: Polling Hours Extended
Federal and provincial elections are overseen by different electoral bodies. When you go to the Elections Ontario website, you see a media release saying that the opening hours for polls have been extended in some ridings.
Card EAnswer 

Poll hours were extended in the 2018 Ontario election in some ridings. But there have been cases where false information about voting times and places has been spread through social media. Your vote is important, so be sure to double-check!

When you get information from social media, don’t pay too much attention to who shared something with you. Instead, find out where that info came from and then decide.

You can also double-check with a source that you know you can rely on, like Elections Canada or a provincial or territorial elections office.

Flag scenario

Card AScenario news story. Headline: Man tries to burn EU flag. Flag doesn't burn because of EU regulations on flammable materials. Image of man wearing balaclava standing in front of an EU flag.
In 2016, the government of the United Kingdom held a referendum about whether the UK should leave the European Union. In 2018, this video of a man failing to burn an EU flag was a widely shared meme. Did this flag burning really happen?
Card BStrategy: Find the original
Tweet from The Independent (@independent). Tweet: Man tries to burn EU flag. Flag doesn't burn because of EU regulations on flammable materials.
Doing a search leads to a story on The Independent’s Twitter feed.
Card CStrategy: Verify the source
Wikipedia article for The Indepedent.
You do a search. Wikipedia says The Independent is a “politically independent national morning newspaper published in London.” When you check the Talk page on Wikipedia, you see that the editors haven’t had any disagreements about the article’s accuracy or bias.
Card DStrategy: Check other information
Google search results for “burning EU flag fails.” Three results on the screen.
When you search for “burning EU flag fails,” you find that several news sources have covered this. The earliest story is from a few years ago.
Card EAnswer 

This video is real, and the flag burning did happen—but it’s not news.

The man in the video was filmed in 2015 trying to burn an EU flag. The video was spread again in 2016, during the UK referendum, and again in 2018. Both times, reliable news sources shared the video as a news story. A number of details in the stories were untrue.

Even reliable news sources sometimes make mistakes and spread fake or misleading stories. They assume that the first source double-checked the facts, and don’t check for themselves.

Take the time to double-check for yourself before you share information that might influence other people.

Selfie scenario

Card AScenario
Reddit page, r/CanadaPolitics. Post titled: Reminder: "Ballot Selfies" are illegal in Canada.
You’re looking forward to sharing your first time voting with everyone in your social media network. Then you see a Reddit post saying it’s illegal to post a selfie of your ballot. How do you know if that’s true?
Card BStrategy: Find the original
Democracy Law Blog website. Blog title: On Ballot Selfies: No Constitutional Question Here.
You follow the link to an article on a site called Democracy Law Blog.
Card CStrategy: Verify the source
Google search results for "democracy law blog." Four search results appear in this image.
You do a search on Democracy Law Blog, but you only find links to the blog itself. The blog’s author is a lawyer who publishes news and opinion on election law. There is no Wikipedia article on this topic.
Card DStrategy: Turn to places you trust
Tweet from Elections Canada (@ElectionsCan_E). Tweet: Want to take a voting selfie? Great! Take it outside the polling place. #elxn42
You go to the Elections Canada Twitter account and see a tweet saying you can’t take a photo of a marked ballot. You double-check the profile to make sure this is the real Elections Canada Twitter account.
Card EAnswer 

It is against the law to take a photo of a marked ballot in federal elections.

If you want to show that you voted in a federal election, take a selfie outside the polling station before or after voting. Don’t post pictures of your marked ballot.

Texting scenario

Card AScenario
Tweet from unknown account. Tweet: thanks for spreading the word! #MAGA #ImWithHer #Vote Hilary from home! Save time & avoid the line! Image: Hilary Clinton with text reading "Save Time, Avoid the Line. Vote from home. Text "Hillary" to 59925, and we'll make history together this November 8th.
In the lead-up to the 2016 US presidential election, many tweets were shared saying that you can vote from home by text. The photos contained Hillary Clinton’s official logo and image. Was it true?
Card BStrategy: Find the original
Image of Hilary Clinton's official website.
You go to Hillary Clinton’s website. You can’t find the ad on the site, or any mention of voting from home. You wonder if the photo about voting by text is a hoax.
Card CStrategy: Turn to places you trust website page on How to Vote or Register to Vote.
You go to the US government website and find voting information. You find a lot of information about how to vote, but nothing about voting by text.
Card DStrategy: Read fact-checking articles
The Washington Post news story. Headline: No, you can't text your vote. But these fake ads tell Clinton supporters to do just that.
When you search for “vote by text hoax,” you find an article from the Washington Post. It says that there is no such thing as voting by text. According to the article, the ads are targeting Hillary Clinton’s supporters.
Card EAnswer 

During the 2016 US federal election, many fake posts like this one went around.

Their aim was to make people think they had cast their ballot when in reality, they hadn’t. Hoaxes like this have targeted candidates from all political sides.

Even if a post looks real, when it’s about an important issue like your vote, you should validate the information. Double-check and consult sources you know you can trust.