Join us in a virtual session

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A new school year is a great opportunity to plan new ways for your students to think critically about elections and democracy. We’re reshaping our service offer to better meet your needs and those of your students in this new education environment. The demand for professional learning is high, and we have plenty of opportunities for online teacher support.

If you’re teaching in Manitoba or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), we are here to provide updated virtual professional development (PD) workshops for teachers. We have been offering enhanced services as a pilot project in these areas and are ready to engage teachers and students by going virtual for the 2020–2021 school year. Our service offer includes:

  • Personalized virtual PD workshops of any length from 15 to 60 minutes for teachers, departments and professional learning communities. We can guide you through one or more of our resources, including tips and tricks, as well as suggest blended learning adaptations to give you more confidence to deliver the lessons in your own classroom.
  • Virtual classroom demonstrations. Our education coordinators in Manitoba or the GTA can livestream into your physical or virtual classroom to facilitate or co-teach any of our resources so that you can experience the lessons in action with real students.

For more information, or to book a PD session or classroom demonstration, contact us at

If you’re working outside Manitoba or the GTA, join us for one of our virtual teacher conference workshops throughout the fall and winter.

More to come

We are currently working on blended learning guides and teacher support videos for our most popular resources, and they will be available this semester. Stay tuned as we continue to develop new ways to meet your evolving needs.

To find out what’s new, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.