Slide deck for teachers - Elections by the Numbers

1 Elections by the Numbers
2Inquiry QuestionHow does youth voting compare to that of other age groups?
3Minds On


What are some trends in our school or community?

[Teacher’s note: e.g. fashion, games, music. For this and the next few slides, gather students’ ideas and write them on the board or shared document.]

4Minds On


Do you think there are different trends for different age groups? Why?

[Teacher’s note: e.g. you, your parents, your grandparents]

5Minds On


How do you know if something is on its way out, or on its way in?

6Minds On


How could you track these trends in a more precise or mathematical way?

[Teacher’s note: e.g. through a survey, poll, observation, etc.]

7Minds On

Voting Trends

  • What do you think could be some trends in voting behaviours?
  • Do you think there are different voting trends for different age groups? Why?
  • How might you compare voting trends for different age groups?

[Teacher’s note: Write some of these ideas on the board or shared document so that students can compare the two sets of ideas.]


Analyze a graph

  • What information is included in the graph?
  • What information is not included?
  • What can we observe in the graph?
  • What can we conclude from this graph?

[Teacher’s note: Distribute copies of the handout: “Voter Turnout at Federal Elections 1867–2021” and have students discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.]

9ActivityVoter Turnout at Federal Elections, 1867-2021

Examine the data tableVoter turnout by age group, 2011-2021

How does youth voting compare to that of other age groups?


Complete the activity sheet:Change in voter turnoutto better understand the data

How does this change your thinking about the data?

How might you choose to represent it?

[Teacher’s note: If calculating percent change is too advanced for students, they can create their visual representation using only the table data.]


You will need:

  • A partner or small group
  • Chart paper or whiteboard
  • Markers
  • Table: Voter Turnout by age group – 2011 -2021
  • Activity sheet: Change in voter turnout

Brainstorm an effective way to represent this data to respond to the inquiry question:

How does youth voting compare to that of other age groups?

Show us your best idea!

[Teacher’s notes: Students can create any kind of graph, chart, image or infographic that supports your learning goals. This should be more conceptual rather than an attempt to create a polished finished product. Give students 20 to 30 minutes to work together on this.]


Sharing your ideas

How did you address the question: "How does youth voting compare to that of other age groups?"

What information did you choose to include or exclude?

[Teacher’s notes: This could be done in a jigsaw, a gallery walk or a group presentation to the class. If time is short, you could choose a couple of samples to discuss and share.]



Why do you think different age groups vote at different rates?

What are some factors that could affect voter turnout for different age groups?



  • What is interesting or important to you about the data on youth voting?
    • Explain your thinking
  • Make a prediction about an election 10 years from now. Do you think voting among 18-24 year-olds will increase, decrease or stay the same?
    • Explain your thinking

[Teacher’s note: You can use the provided exit card on which these questions are printed.]