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News from Elections Canada

  • A visit from an Elections Canada educator will bring great value to your faculty of education classroom. An educator will model a high-quality inquiry-based lesson that demonstrates how to put learning theories into practice. During the class visit ...

  • Elections Canada’s learning resource Geography of Elections contains fact sheets with data on Canada’s 338 electoral districts. After the latest federal election and the recent decennial census, the fact sheets have been updated with the newest data ...

  • Voting is habit forming. Research tells us that those who vote in the first election in which they are eligible to vote are likely to become lifelong voters. In this article, we will suggest a way to prepare your students, that is, future electors ...

  • Le cadre du bien-être de Connexions Nord est décrit dans le texte ci-dessous.
    © 2021 Framework by TakingITGlobal and Visual Story by Alexander Angnaluak. All rights reserved. Contact for inquiries.

    Elections Canada supports the learning of Indigenous students across the north through its partnership with Connected North.

    Connected North provides live, interactive virtual learning experiences and access to educational resources for students ...

  • This fall marks one year since the 2021 federal election—a perfect time to use our Elections by the Numbers educational resource, which now features the latest data on voter turnout. These statistics will quickly become an indispensable tool for ...

  • September 30, 2022, marks the second National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Elections Canada has resources for secondary schools that help students learn some historical truths and think about how they can support inclusion in their own lives.

    Th ...

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