
  • This fall marks one year since the 2021 federal election—a perfect time to use our Elections by the Numbers educational resource, which now features the latest data on voter turnout. These statistics will quickly become an indispensable tool for ...

  • September 30, 2022, marks the second National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Elections Canada has resources for secondary schools that help students learn some historical truths and think about how they can support inclusion in their own lives.

    Th ...

  • Democracy and news in your classroom

    Looking to have class discussions about democracy this year? Below, you will find a few examples of current events and recommendations for some of our resources to help you open the discussion and support ...

  • Voting Rights through Time, one of our most popular resources for secondary classrooms, has just gone through a big revision. The updated kit is now available both online and to order. It includes one brand new case study on Inuit and the right to ...

  • Starting this year, Canada’s federal electoral districts are being reviewed through the process called redistribution. This happens every 10 years, following the national census, and is a great opportunity to bring real-life geographical processes ...

  • Preparing young citizens to participate in elections can start with engaging classroom discussions, but teachers can help prepare students in practical ways too. Canadian citizens who are between 14 and 17 years old can be added to the Register of ...

  • Curricula across Canada are vast and are different in every province and territory. That’s why Elections Canada has designed its educational resources to be cross-curricular. Our lessons have links to many subjects that go well beyond Civics and ...

  • Screenshot of the animated video. Charlie the Raven stands behind a podium. A campaign poster is displayed in the background. The following words are written in a text bubble:

    Elections Canada launched Choosing our Mascot almost 25 years ago. This popular and well-loved resource aims to introduce students from kindergarten to grade 3 to the basic principles of a real election. A lot has changed in the classroom since ...

  • Finding age-appropriate resources for language learners can be difficult. To meet that need, we offer literacy support throughout our resources, from relevant pedagogy to language learner versions.

    In our resources, you’ll find strategies that ...

  • Every classroom has different needs. In some, you might want to engage your students further in higher-level thinking. For that, Elections Canada’s learning resources offer optional enhancement activities that you can use to deepen your students’ ...